Our gastroenterology department is offering all non-invasive and invasive diagnostic tools for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal and liver diseases in the pediatric population.

Services provided include a.o. ultrasound, bowel ultrasound with high resolution probes, pediatric endoscopy, and hydrogen breath tests for diagnosis of different food allergies/intolerance/maldigestion in children.

The following ultrasound image is from a 6 years old child who presented to our clinic with recurrent lower abdominal pain and diarrhea. During the first visit and following medical history taking and clinical examination bowel ultrasound has been performed with a high resolution probe showing wall thickening of the large intestine. Vascular ultrasound showed increased blood supply. Both wall thickening and increased vascularization are signs of inflammation. The problem was accurately and rapidly identified with a non-invasive technique without the need for further investigations.

Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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